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Fundraising 2010/FAQ/ja - Meta

What is your donor privacy policy?
We are serious about protecting the privacy rights of our donors. Please see our Donor Privacy Policy for our full details. In short, we do not share, sell, or trade your email address with anyone.



Is the Wikimedia Foundation a charity?
Yes. The Wikimedia Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization with offices in San Francisco, California, USA. You can review our letter of tax-exemption and our financial reports and annual filings.

Wikimedia Foundationはチャリティー活動なのですか?

はい、そうです。Wikimedia Foundationは、非公益団体としてアメリカのカリフォルニア、サンフランシスコに本部を置いています。だれでも、非課税の証明書や財務報告、年次報告書は見ることができますよ。

Why should I donate to the Wikimedia Foundation?
The job of the Wikimedia Foundation is to provide easy access to information for people all over the world―free of charge and free of advertising. We are a non-profit that depends on your financial help to do that. Your donation directly supports some of the most popular collaboratively-edited reference projects in the world, including Wikipedia, one of the world's top five most-popular sites and the largest encyclopedia ever compiled in human history.

(私は)Wikimedia Foundationへの寄付をするほうがよいのでしょうか?

Wikimedia Foundationの仕事は、世界中のだれもが、広告なしで、お金がかからなくて、簡単に情報へアクセスするようにすることです。このため、私たちは非営利団体なのです。

How do you balance keeping Wikipedia open with making it more reliable?
We believe increased participation makes Wikipedia better. At the same time, we must maintain the tough standards that have made Wikipedia respected by scientists, academics, journalists, and foundations.




Where do I send forms, letters or other materials to the Wikimedia Foundation?
Please send all correspondence, including Payroll Deduction applications and Matching Gifts forms, to our secure lockbox address:

Template:Lockbox address

Wikimedia Foundationへ書類や手紙、その他を送るときはどこへ送ればよいのですか?